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Il top dei colliri antiossidanti

di Maggio 2024


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4 Integratore OCCHI, con Luteina, Zeaxantina | 90 compresse arricchite con Mirtillo Nero e Rosso, Vitamine A, E, B2 e Zinco | Nutriente, antiossidante per il mantenimento della normale capacità visiva

? BENESSERE PER I TUOI OCCHI, ogni compressa contiene Luteina (20mg), Zeaxantina (2,5mg), Vite Rosso (30mg), Mirtillo Nero (6mg), Zinco (10mg), Vitamine A (800mcg), B2 (3,5mg), E (30mg). Zeaxalutein è l’integratore occhi ad alto dosaggio di nuova formulazione della Cisbani Pharma
NUTRIENTI PER I TUOI OCCHI, Zeaxalutein è arricchito con Vitamine A, E, B2 e Zinco, che contribuiscono al mantenimento della normale capacità visiva. Lo zinco contribuisce inoltre al normale metabolismo della vitamina A; una carenza di retinolo potrebbe provocare conseguenze negative come: affaticamento degli occhi (occhi stanchi), sensibilità alla luce, secchezza delle palpebre
ANTIOSSIDANTE, CONTRASTA GLI EFFETTI DEL TEMPO: con estratto di Mirtillo Nero, Mirtillo Rosso e antiossidanti naturali come Luteina e Zeaxantina, i due tipi di carotenoidi più importantI per i nostri occhi. Si trovano in natura nei vegetali verdi o gialli, come broccoli, cavoli, spinaci, zucche, piselli. Gli antiossidanti hanno una fondamentale funzione di contrasto agli effetti negativi del passare del tempo
? BENESSERE NATURALE, Zeaxalutein è un integratore naturale ad alto dosaggio. Adatto per le persone di tutte le età, ha una funzione preventiva e nutriente. Si consiglia l’assunzione di una compressa al dì, 90 compresse per una scorta di 3 mesi
? PRODOTTO 100% ITALIANO: prodotto interamente negli stabilimenti italiani, notificato al Ministero della Salute. Tutti i prodotti della linea CISBANI PHARMA derivano da decenni di esperienza nel settore. Prodotti sicuri, già venduti con grande soddisfazione dei nostri clienti in Farmacia e Parafarmacia. Cisbani Pharma, integratori e vitamine per la vista
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Collirio antiossidante: la soluzione per occhi sani e belli

Cos'è un collirio antiossidante?

Collirio antiossidante is an eye drop solution designed to prevent and treat oxidative stress in the eye. It mainly contains antioxidants that help protect the delicate structures of your eyes from harmful free radicals. This eye drop solution is clinically proven to reduce symptoms associated with dry eyes, inflammation, and premature aging.
Three most important points about Collirio antiossidante:

  • It is an effective way to prevent and treat oxidative stress in the eyes.

  • It contains a blend of potent antioxidants that can improve eye health.

  • Clinical studies show that it can reduce symptoms of dry eye, inflammation, and premature aging

How do I use Collirio antiossidante?

Using Collirio antiossidante correctly will maximize its effectiveness and potential benefits. First, ensure your hands are clean before handling the applicator. Then, tilt your head slightly back looking upwards while pulling down your lower eyelid. Gently squeeze one or two drops into each eye as directed by your doctor or pharmacist. Close your eyes for a few seconds to let the solution distribute evenly across the surface of your eyes.
Three most important points about using Collirio antiossidante:

  • Clean hands are essential when using any medication.

  • Follow instructions on usage given by health care professionals carefully.

  • The drops should be put into both eyes if prescribed by the physician

What are the possible side effects of Collirio antiossidante?

Like all medications, using Collirio antiossidante may cause unwanted side effects; however, not everyone who uses this medication will experience them. Some common side effects can include blurred vision, watery eyes, and stinging or burning sensations in the eyes.
It is important to consult your pharmacist or medical professional if you experience severe symptoms that affect how you see, such as significant changes in vision, scratched corneas or eye infections.
Three most important points about Collirio antiossidante side effects:

  • The medication may cause some unwanted side effects.

  • Not everyone will have the same reaction to the medication.

  • If a person has severe symptoms they should consult their healthcare provider

How often should I use Collirio antiossidante?

The frequency of using Collirio antiossidante is typically determined by your healthcare provider who prescribed it for you. The general recommended dosage is one to two drops in each eye twice a day. Your doctor may adjust this dosage based on several factors such as the severity of your condition and response to treatment.
It is crucial that you follow your doctor's instructions regarding frequency accurately so that there aren't any negative side effects associated with overdose.
Three most important points about the frequency of using Collirio antiossidante:

  • Physicians prescribe the frequency with which to take Collirio antiossidante

  • Dosage can change based on individual patient needs.

  • Misusing frequency can lead to potentially harmful consequences

Can children use Collirio antiossidante?

Of all medications, deemed ineffective for everyone/not effective for
There isn't enough research data available on whether children can use Collirio antiossidante safely. However, doctors may recommend its usage if treating a specific condition such as dry eye syndrome or other related eye problems. It is crucial to consult with a pediatrician before using this medication on children.
Three most important points about using Collirio antiossidante on children:

  • Currently, there isn't enough research data available to assess how safe it is for children.

  • The usage of Collirio antiossidante on children should only be done under the supervision of a professional physician.

  • Ocular health conditions in children must be assessed by a medical professional, who will then consider whether or not the solution could be beneficial to treat it.

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